Monday, December 22, 2008

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years tidings of great joy

"But the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." Luke 2:10

The angel announced that we received "new of great joy, which [are] for all the people. " God wants to give his message known throughout the world.

Now, I know that maybe you're not a preacher, but you can be one that reaches souls.

What if every believer to go out into their neighborhood and proclaim: "Jesus is Lord"? How will the world know if you do not tell them?

We must be brave to take the message of Jesus.

Brother (a), the heavens opened and the trumpets sounded. And the dead in Christ shall rise.

And once again hear the angel. He's back! El Salvador who was born in a manger, returns as a rule and reign.

Are you joyfully sharing the Good News of Christ this Christmas? Will you be brave and share this Good News with someone today?.

Fundamental Baptist Church Blog: Web http://www.ibfundamental . / ______________________________________

Sunday, December 21, 2008

How Much Does Waxing Cost In Florida

He emptied himself

"but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave and becoming like men." Philippians 2:7
The Lord Jesus came to a manger for you and me. He voluntarily stripped himself of the glories and riches of heaven to be born in a barn. Jesus became poor so that you can become rich.
He lived a life of poverty so absolute when it was time to pay their taxes, had to find a coin in the mouth of a fish.
When he sent his disciples into the world were told not to take anything, but only a staff and power of the Holy Spirit (Mark 6.7-9).
death was given as a common criminal for us to wear the royal robes.
Because of Christ we have the riches of heaven. Praise His name! Ten
with family or friends today while building a Christian reading Philippians 2:6-11.
Take time to praise God for His Son Jesus Christ.

Fundamental Baptist Church Blog: Web

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Whats A Low Hard Open Cervix Mean

Is it OK to watch TV on Sunday?

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as some people do, but encourage and even more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb 10:25
I once asked a pastor: "Is it right watch TV on Sunday? Is it okay to go to a football game on Sunday? Is it right to go out to eat on Sunday? Is it OK to read the newspaper on Sunday? "I can play ball on Sunday? "I can go riding on Sunday? "I can go to the store or market to buy milk if we run on Sunday?

is not my day: it is the Lord's Day.

Good questions! I hear them all the time, "replied the pastor.
But you know what is wrong with these questions? You're doing the wrong man.
is not my day: it is the Lord's Day. Just ask Him "
Ask God:" How I can honor the Lord's Day to the end of the day I can tell it really was your day? ".

Fundamental Baptist Church Blog: Web http://www.ibfundamental . /