Monday, May 31, 2010

Sore Throat Glands And Chills


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How To Protect A Falling Egg

The helplessness of journalists in Chiapas. Minimum Wage

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Deep Is Your Hymen

a Reporter in 2010 Chiapas

Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (STPS) Commission
National Minimum Wage (CONASAMI)

minimum wage from January 1, 2010

Office No. 70.

Reporter (a) daily newspaper printed in

is the employee who obtains information of general interest about current events or issues through the observation of facts, interviews of persons linked to them, or people of concern to the community. This information is ordered, structure and conveys clearly and expeditiously to the newspaper company for review and, where necessary, finalization and publication. Sometimes the worker is responsible for developing the actual wording of the note. The reporter needs to be informed about events or issues for follow up work. In the capture of information can aid recorders, shorthand or notes and the transmission is performed through very different means, ranging from typing and direct presentation of the note to be sent by telephone, telegraph, telex or facsimile.

AREA "A" $ 172.14 pesos daily
AREA "B" $ 167.79 pesos daily
AREA "C" $ 162.92 pesos daily

Office No. 71

Reporter (a) graph (a) daily newspaper printed

is the worker who comes to people or events of general interest in order to obtain negatives and photographs to illustrate articles on current events. Generally the newspaper delivery without disclosing the photographs accompanying reference data with the names of the characters or events that occur in the negative. Sometimes the worker shows and print pictures. For his work is aided by cameras and other items pertaining to their profession, and sometimes accompanies them on their work to a reporter, who suggests or indicates the genre, style or angle of the desired picture.

AREA "A" $ 172.14 pesos daily
AREA "B" $ 167.79 pesos daily
AREA "C" $ 162.92 daily weights


Reporter Office No. 70 .- (a) daily newspaper printed in

$ 162.92 pesos daily

Reporter Office No. 71 .- (a) graph (a) daily newspaper printed in

$ 162.92
pesos daily Justificar a ambos lados

Source: National Minimum Wage

(Understand that this is the minimum amount must be paid to a reporter, not to be payable, from there you can set up the amount the employer and employee agree or negotiate to establish a working relationship).

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