Isaín Mandujano
President Miguel German official on June 7, 1951 as the Day of Freedom of Expression. In 1976, Luis Echeverría added to this celebration, the National Award for Journalism. Such an origin has been questioned because it is without doubt the amasiato symbol or marriage that lasted for decades between the press and power in Mexico.
As in other regions of Mexico, every year in every six years are those feasts in which freedom of expression is distilled under the Palapa of the House of Government of Chiapas, but leaving her again the harsh reality.
With Pablo Salazar these feasts were suspended more than one bothered him the disdain of political controversy in Chiapas to the press and local media, but Gov. Juan Sabines, a young governor of the old practices were struck by the PRI re-establish. Allocate
152.2 million pesos for press, advertising corporate propaganda in the year 2009-a figure unprecedented in the history of Chiapas budget for materials showed interest in being reflected in the various print and electronic media.
1 .- The Governor Juan Sabines decriminalized libel and slander, a demand that peaked in the previous six years, but did not tell us what it is covertly criminalized "crime against human dignity" in the Article 324 of the Penal Code of the State of Chiapas which is already being applied to the Mass as the decriminalized and announced with great fanfare in August 2007. 2 .-
inherited Salazar Sabines the Law Ensures Access to Public Information, but both the predecessor and the successor to show that they are not friends of transparency in the facts only in the speech. The said law has been challenged by various organizations that qualify as very low level. Just a few examples, first the institution that guarantees the transparency does not have full autonomy and dependent on the executive, for all agencies of the executive branch there is a single filter through which requests and responses which does not happen at the federal level.
3 .- Chiapas, as in many states, each year the government has a million dollar budget item for the purchase of media advertising communication. These resources are used in an arbitrary, uncontrolled, unregulated, at its discretion. That is, it does patrimonial use of public resources. Advertising is used as a strategy d epremio or punishment, the medium behaves well give publicity which is not aligned to power does not have it. The allocation of government advertising on a slope that should take shape from society, then expect them to come the discussion of the media or the government is a myth, as they should be this perverse relationship.
4 .- The system Chiapas Radio, Television and Film is a media conglomerate that manages and operates at will the Governor political shift. It has no place in Chiapas dissenting voices, however the media apparatus is supported by taxes from all the people of Chiapas. Thus, the government should share these spaces with society, even those who disagree with his policies that already have closed their doors if the means of private enterprise.
5 .- Taking into account paragraph 3, the Chiapas government is complicit in serious violations of labor rights of journalists in Chiapas. For funded or sponsored, via advertising, that employers deny the right to social security, vacations, Christmas bonus, the profit sharing, insurance of life and all the benefits provided by law. In some cases, the government has made it easier to put on the payroll of the Institute of Social Communication of the State to prevent the harm inflicted to the patterns that are the wrong way.
6 .- The governor created a special prosecutor for crimes against journalists, but in fact has been a bureaucratic apparatus with little more weight and effectiveness. That has been public record. More shocking was his creation and appropriation of a person allegedly responsible for the death of a journalist to release him in complete secrecy without anyone noticing it. Like its counterpart federal prosecutors not meet local expectations of journalists who see the attacks as they grow toward them.
government, society and media in Chiapas, should put emphasis on these issues to arrive at a real status of freedom of press and expression.
- That decriminalize the offense against the dignity
- to reform the Law on Access to Public Information
- That regulate the allocation of government advertising in the press, radio, TV and other media.
- That ciudadanice Chiapas Radio System, TV, and Film.
- to ensure the investigation of crimes committed against journalists penalizing, there are no promises of justice
- The government of Chiapas and force required means to guarantee them optimal working conditions
For the media and journalists, we assume some parameters responsible and honest behavior in society, establish codes of ethics that sense and that our readers listeners or viewers to know them.
the part of society, must be more discerning and careful when consuming the media information that are presented. Indifference to punish those media fail to fulfill their social commitment.
freedom of expression on the right of all citizens without exception, but we are the media and journalists who live the daily exercise of that individual guarantee, but you can not move to a better level of democracy as part of an actor involved no political will.
course, this task does not pertain only to the governor Juan Sabines Guerrero, is necessary active participation of the 40 lawmakers in Chiapas, which incidentally, only serve to initiatives from the executive in charge. ------------ O0o -----------
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