Friday April 9, 2010
A journalist-activist
Taken from the blog Rodrigo Ramon Aquino and published in Noticias Voz e Image Chiapas in April 2010.
Preferably, the interviews seek to be as far as possible written portrait of a person must be at the home of the respondent, context that more fully expresses his personality, but even if one intends to do so sometimes the cafes, restaurants and offices will inevitably impose. This was the case with Isaín Mandujano. We had been to see us in his home at nine o'clock, and as I went there a cell phone call came:
- Hello?
-Oilo, you, you know what, the better we see here in Obregon Bisquets Central Avenue, is that I lay awake and I just got up and I still am going to bathe. How you see.
"Um, you. But okay, I was lost anyway. Ai worry.
He has that particular way of speaking to tuxtleco which invariably ends up spreading it to one. Not only that, speaking as if a mob pal stick mountain boar, fast, as if several words at the same time they wanted out of his mouth, however, is well expressed, it seems that no shortage of words to refer to things I could hold a conversation of any kind.
That why this interview. Well, I am struck by the enthusiasm with which you do your work if it is good or not is decided by the reader, I think it is difficult to judge on what the fellow is an official of jealousy, envy and selfishness in anyone may be tempted to discredit or praise with some ease. He is among the few cases, I think, people who are willing to share what they know, the few who really want to professionalize the profession despite the bad view of the majority. In that we are converging.
I thought this interview as a fair recognition of 15 years of work (most throws in the towel after three or four years) for his 36th birthday (April 10) and because this year is part of the Prize jury National Journalism, the good, which gives the city council. The latter is reason enough to chat with him. It is also one of the first journalists Chiapas in betting on the new information technologies, it is common to hear talk of blogs, internet radio, social networking. It is difficult to imagine, at least in Chiapas, one Facebook without the chain. Of course some people may say it is a tecnópata (word invented to describe the addict to technology), which can not even go to the bathroom without leaving your computer. That only he knows.
finally shows up, 15 minutes after ordering the coffee. Dress up as usual: shirt, jeans and comfortable shoes, wrist watch, like a clothing accessory, your lap-top under his arm. It is seen that has gained weight, bloated stomach the complaint under the tight shirt. Is ready for the journey of the day, I guess.
-Oilo, you, sorry. But is that the house was a mess.
-Ta 'well. What do you think if you first talk about your life in particular and then in journalism.
-Sale. But seriously, diculpá, I am very punctual ...
Isaín Mandujano was born April 10, 1974 in the rural community of Emiliano Zapata Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas. Is happy to remember the place where fortune would have it, came into the world, the land that I inherited his grandfather's revolutionary.
"I am very proud of being born there, because this community was founded in 1920 by the Zapatistas in Chiapas last stronghold, Zapatista truth, led by General Rafael Cal y Mayor (son of farmers in Chiapas, traveled to Mexico City to study, and there left school to join the movement of Emiliano Zapata). As is known, in Chiapas there was a revolution as such, won the ranchers and landowners, but, well, my grandfather had touched land there, and there was born my mother and my four brothers were born there and I are five, I'm the room. So I'm Zapatista origin, birth, neo-Zapatista. "
studied the basic level in that municipality. He was part of the telesecundaria first generations of the county seat. "I had no classroom, so teachers give classes rented houses and every time we changed we had to carry our chairs, tables and blackboard, and ants. It was very nice, because finally now that school is a model school with cutting edge technology, indoor court and all that. "
Upon graduating from that school nomad, he joined the National Council for the Promotion of Education (Conafe) as an instructor in the community The Cieneguilla, located on the border with Oaxaca. After a year of service, and scholarship and arrived in Tuxtla Gutierrez to study high school and enrolled in the Bachelor of Industrial Technology Center and Services (CBTIS) 144. In conclusion, he enlisted in the Conafe again, this time as a trainer, a year of service and three fellow.
"Before the race had already informed me that interest in reading, but did not see it as a career or a way of life. Furthermore, by training, my parents wanted to study medicine, because my mom was a nurse, or accounting, because my father was a merchant. But I did not like that, and inquired where he could study journalism, and at that time I learned that only in the Universidad Veracruzana, shortly after they told me that here was a career in communication, and damn, I got to the UNACH. "
East South
As often happens with people who put all their efforts in what they undertake, some things will go alone. Studying the first semester, in September 1994, a teacher, who would later become his colleague and friend, Sarelly Martínez Mendoza, launched the group's invitation to join a new journalistic project: the political and cultural journal The South.
"Most said yes, I'm going, but in reality few of us approach, including memory, Berenice Moreno, Manuel de la Cruz, Araceli López Trejo, mainly. They are the group that pulled and we come to know in what the project. "
Isaín acknowledges that for him, as for other partners, the South represented the school This practice allowed him to face a less idealized reality of what is the work of reporting. "I recognize three teachers clearly: First, I identify Sarelly Martinez, as the master of the art of journalism. Héctor Cortés Mandujano, as the teacher of writing. José López Arévalo And as that made me understand the social and political engagement in journalism.
(This reminds me of the time that the writer Héctor Cortés, as we took a writing workshop, said on Isaín: "That Chaín was a headache, reached the South East office with your letter, I gave it to read, and donkey, he was not understood anything. Then I sat next to the computer and told her to tell me what I had seen or heard, so we started to redo the text. He said 'look, just once I will correct this error' and yes, gradually became more understandable. ")
begin reporting for 1995 as, to commit to their reporting. Since then his work is distinctive in giving voice to the vulnerable, those exiled, the outcast, of which at times comes to be even militant, activist. "I had some contacts, acquaintances, friends, social organizations, students, peasants, and then I started to make a style that somehow defend their causes."
remained in the journal during the time that he studied. Remember that some of his companions said "you are exploring," "no, that Pepe does not pay you", "No, not why." But he was excited because the project estesuriano not seen as a way to make money. "For me the East South was a school and a window to the world of journalism and communication ... and yes let me address some expenses because although at first they paid us, eventually we did receive some support. " Process
In 1998, Chiapas searches for a new process for the Agency correspondent. Who he was until that time, Julio López Arévalo, brother of director estesuriano, ask for some prospects. In the quarry of the journal two names stand out: Berenice Moreno and Isaín Mandujano. "Berenice chingón writes, the truth must be acknowledged, but sometimes not enough to know how to write, sometimes you have to be very malicious, very picky, you have to have some feeling for reporting. I mean, the wording is important, but on par with this evil need to know how to write, that poison, that Jiribilla, the sharpness to be able to identify what note and what not to do research and what is garbage. I said 'probably going to be Berenice, as a woman who is beautiful', but no. Then I said 'Hey, why do not you do the test' and started to do reporting and, well, I stayed. "
Anyone studying the media or journalism career long for an opportunity like that, it will look and say "hey, here's a job for you, and in the environment you want." Isaín was fortunate to be in place at the right time, to be surrounded by the right people, but was more than that, developed a passion for the job, and that is what has kept.
-A which journalist you admire.
"There are several. Vibe would snub. But I can tell you that Don Julio Scherer is an institution in Mexican journalism. Then, knowing his example, his life, his career, his work is very beneficial. It is a type who nonetheless remains a person beyond reproach, honest criticism. Maintains a prestige that will surely die, though many are corrupt.
- Have you been corrupted?
"No, I do not know if at some point we will do, I hope not, not my vocation so far. I want to finally say that I was one of the few journalists honest, incorruptible, but I say, I dunno, I do not mean that I will never be corrupted, because life takes many turns. What I can tell you is that until now I have a job as a journalist responsible, honest, transparent, committed, a different perspective, because many get into this to make money, to build relationships with politicians, officials, businessmen see it as a springboard.
"And how you see it.
-I see it as a way to meet with some social work, give voice to those groups that do not. Sometimes verging on militancy step of my work to be a member of, militant, activist, to help them, because I despair that things are happening, and you can not maintain their impartiality, is difficult. The truth is that objectivity does not exist. You can achieve some balance, breathe, try, but you always lean on one side of the scale.
"Much has been said about how badly paid they are journalists, this is one of the main factors that make them susceptible to corruption, can we understand, then your medium you paid enough to stay incorruptible?
"Indeed. I have to process a salary that is not what I wanted, but I kinda help to survive independently. For many in Chiapas can not be done without relying on Chayo journalism, I think it is possible, provided you have the opportunity to have half to support you, and as long as you have the principles and convictions of wanting to do. But many do not believe 'how Isaín can live without it, you're probably getting' because it usually means bad pay their workers. Fortunately I'm in an environment not underpaid their workers, pay themselves, no good, but it pays. In my case I have a monthly salary, but I have this additional employment benefits than those provided by law as life insurance, major medical expense insurance, utility, travel, phone expenses, savings fund, IMSS, Infonavit all these benefits I am entitled by law to pay to me. I think it is a company concerned and ensure that its workers are good, because to that extent the activity is performed with considerable independence, with much autonomy and will not have to resort to Chayo. We have been told, even, of course, may seem exaggerated, we pay our breakfasts, transport, etc., we do not accept anything.
"It's very nice that position, but you know it would be difficult in these conditions Chiapas.
"Yes, I know. We live in a work situation critical. Most media did not even pay minimum wage professional. We are much given to denounce the exploitation, abuse against others, but who report abuse and exploitation against us. Now we are light on the street and darkness of the house. Journalist
Journalism should be the counterbalance of power, be the means by which society, the people, demand answers and solutions to the government. In this role, the journalist becomes a sort of little monkey on the back of political and economic power, which is continually nit picking to find hidden truths. Recently, Enrique Garcia Cuellar, author of the column Puppets and Cabezas, Mandujando Isaín ranked as one of those "journalists uncomfortable" for the government, it continually seeks to denounce the follies.
- Do you like that description?
"I think any journalist who wants to actually do journalism going to end up being uncomfortable, because their job is to put the finger on, criticize, question, display, expose. The journalist is a person uncomfortable. In my case I do not aspire to be the enemy of the government because so hateful journalism is pro-government and anti-government journalism. There has to be itself a good relationship, but not a perverse relationship. I remember a quote from Vincent woodshed when he received the National Journalism Award Manuel Good Day: "The journalist is not required to resolve the crisis, but to denounce it." Chaín
has actively collaborated with various NGOs as the Fundación Manuel Buendía BC Freedom of Information-Mexico AC, the Center for Journalism and Public Ethics, Communication and Information on Women's BC, the City Council of National Journalism Prize (CCPNP), The National Security Archive and others.
has participated in courses, workshops, courses and other events organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression of the IACHR of the OAS, the International Committee of the Red red, the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), the Universidad Iberoamericana, El Tec de Monterrey, Universidad Veracruzana, Universidad Autonoma of Chiapas and the University of Science and Arts of Chiapas.
"And your passion for new technologies to what should be, especially for this called journalism.
"I am firmly of the view that journalists should be trained, updated, educated, have to be at the forefront. Who does not update becomes stagnant and lags behind. I am aware that behind me are colleagues and come running, and if I did not put the batteries I will pass on the left and right and everywhere. Our mission is not only to report and inform, but also permanently, if we do we will end up as mummies of journalism. There are colleagues they think they already know everything, they already had the success already achieved what they wanted and did not make any effort, and there they stay. In journalism never stops learning. Never. This imparts
-on courses, workshops, conferences, does not it? Do you get some benefit from it?
"So far I have not got. There are friends who tell me "hey, dude, cobra, cobra." I have spoken at Tec de Monterrey, at UVM, the Fray Bartolome de las Casas, in the UNACH, and I have not received any financial benefit. If I had taken so much money would I have given, is not it, and I will continue doing. There is no year in which has not made two or three courses. I am concerned and took the training, not only personal but also my friends and colleagues.
-How you become a jury of the National Journalism Award.
"Well, what happens is that the pair of workshops and courses I have connected with national agencies and international NGOs working for journalism. This has allowed me to meet many colleagues from other states and abroad, because I've come to realize that exercise critical journalism is dangerous and should not walk alone. Thus was how I approached the City Council of National Journalism Prize, consisting mostly of universities. I I am the first to be sworn in Chiapas, but what we should focus is on who will be the first to win the prize here, and Fatima Monterrosa, Chiapas, won, but was for work he did in the Midwest.
-What is your future career.
"Well, I do not see myself working life as a reporter. I see a future as a teacher, I'd like this I've learned, and I'm learning, to one day teach. And two, I like the research on media, I consider it a documentary, so I would like to create a research center. Within the scope
communication, their lines of work or research interests are journalistic ethics, journalistic genres, right to information, freedom of speech, history of journalism in Chiapas, digital journalism ... It specializes in news coverage of armed groups, social movements and political migration, human rights, violence against women, indigenous, environment, disasters and others ...
The talk is over. We account. I pull out my wallet to pay my share. Isaín is quick to say: "Do not worry
. I pay.
"Oh, no. In my environment I also ask, although it may seem exaggerated, we pay our coffee with bread ...
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