In a meeting that began at 1 pm at Central Park in Lawrence, after a call made by Christian leaders, led by Pastor Victor Jarvis, Ebenezer Church, located in the Haverhill St, esq. Hampshire St, hence,

In that corner where he also brings Fifteen St, concluded the tour in which they noted the presence of City Mayor William Lantigua, State Representative Marcos Devers, Municipal Council President, Frank Moran, as well as religious leaders Father Joel Almon of Grace Episcopal Church, Pastor Rafael Blanco,
of Gethsemane Christian Church, Pastor Rafael Santos et al.
Among those attending the March for Peace in Lawrence, there were also relatives of deceased victims of youth street violence, some of them expressed their hope that this call put a stop to the crime wave in the city and to prevent more families suffer the horror of losing members.
Photo Gallery of Peace event

Fallen Fathers by bullets in Lawrence Ernesto expose their feelings Tv Baptist Mass during the demonstration outside the stadium St. Lawrence softball
Here Mr. Gabriel Gonzalez, father of Gabriel Gonalez Jr, 18, killed in June 2009
Juana Hidalgo, mother of young Kevin Martinez, who died from five bullet wounds the yard his house was the same mother who found him.

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