We salute in the name of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who saved us by his grace as we serve with gratitude and joy.
The "Daughters of the King" once again we encourages participation Ladies Camp 2011 with a program that will continue to challenge our hearts to the service and submission to God and, of course , for companionship.
Date: 14 to 20 February.
Location: Camp the "Good News" - Aucallama.
This year 2011, we have scheduled two camps, which are as follows:
First Group
(Women of different ages)
From Monday 14 (3:00 pm) through Thursday February 17 (1:00 pm)
COST: S /. 70.00
Second Group
(Young mothers with young children up to 6 years)
From Thursday 17 (3:00 pm) until Sunday February 20 (1:00 pm)
CO STO: Adults: S /. 70.00
Infants: S /.
20.00 2 to 3 years: S /.
30.00 4 to 6 years: S /. 50.00 ·
Children will have its separate program.
The theme is "INVOLVING MY FAMILY IN MISSION" and be our sister missionary EXHIBITING Evelyn Stilwell, a noble woman, serving the Lord for many years here in Peru and now their children also are in missionary work. The topics of the day:
Mothers / Grannies Faithful in Prayer
Mothers / Grannies happy in God's Sovereignty
Mothers / Ab uelitas to know that it is worth being holy and pious
Friday: Mothers
Guiding Your Children to Christ's feet
Mothers prepare their children for Life
Mothers Grannies and worship God with His family
addition learn other subjects as
"My missionary experience."
Teacher: Yolanda de Pizan (Huaraz), Cristina Jimenez of (Chancay) and Standard Mendoza (Lima).
"How to manage my time "
Teacher: Graciela de Shapiama (Nurse)
How to Manage My Health: Health.
Miriam Allca (Physical Therapist)
How to manage my money. Mosha
de Castro (Accountant).
As noted, the first 3 days the lessons will be focused on mothers with older children and mothers last 3 days there are two ways to register jóvenes.Para.
First, with your pastor's wife (she will give us the list)
Second, for any information, with the team of reception and registration.
Vicky Garcia
Tel (01) 343-8536
Veronica Arana
Tel (01) 326-1020